Superbar is Chak (vocals), Sen Kiat (guitar), Bala (guitar), Suren (bass) and Dinesh(drums and all the banging shit). Catch us at a gig sometime.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Critics wanted

Been referring some people to the site. Guys, do give our songs a try and leave us some comments on this entry. you don't need to subscribe or anything, but just leave us with a name if you wish, and an email if you like ;)

Promise we'll only send authentic penis enlargement ads.

oops... forgot to link to the demo. Here ya go.

Also, check out for more songs.


Blogger Jir Wong said...

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8:31 PM

Blogger Jir Wong said...

You guys suck. My dog writes more killer riffs than you posers. And what's with that pretentious name? What's so super about your bar?

Just j/king guys. It's your ex-bassist here. Great single BTW, it's the first time I've heard the finished version of Dreams.

Oh, and for old times' sake:

8:32 PM


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