Superbar is Chak (vocals), Sen Kiat (guitar), Bala (guitar), Suren (bass) and Dinesh(drums and all the banging shit). Catch us at a gig sometime.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Critics wanted

Been referring some people to the site. Guys, do give our songs a try and leave us some comments on this entry. you don't need to subscribe or anything, but just leave us with a name if you wish, and an email if you like ;)

Promise we'll only send authentic penis enlargement ads.

oops... forgot to link to the demo. Here ya go.

Also, check out for more songs.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Starlight Cinema

Finally, after a long two years on the bench, we're gearing up for what is definitely going to be our biggest gig so far. Sure, we wanted to play on Batman Begins night, but bigger nights belong to bigger bands. In this case, OneBuckShort, whom we've performed with on two previous occasions. And now they're on MTV.

So which movie night did we get?

*drum roll*

Miss Congeniality 2 and Bridget Jones Diary 2!

Yeah, wipe that smirk off your face boy. We're choosing to take away the positives, using something called hetero-marketing. Allow me to explain.

Boy meets girl, Boy likes girl, and Linkin Park. Girl tells him he's stupid and says she likes M2M or some other sissified shit.

Here's where the magic happens. The guy will start listening to M2M, and realise that its not all that bad. Think this won't happen? Just ask our rhythm guitarist.

Now where is this all going? Well, guess which movie your lady's gonna watch? Ours. Muaha. And through the joys of hetero-marketing, we will sell at least 10,000 copies of our as-yet unreleased demo.

We were also asked to play a cover of one of the songs from either movie. Dread the worst? Come and watch us and you might be pleasantly surprised. Put it this way, the only instrument I need to sing this song is a rubber band, tied around my testers.